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2017 Application Summaries

The following is a list of applications that were made for resort tax funds. Applications are currently be evaluated to determine if they are legally qualified. Those determinations will be made before the November 14 meeting and any applications not qualified will be removed from consideration. At that meeting, the board will have a chance to question applicants and public comment will be gathered. At the December 11 meeting, the board will vote on applications.

The public is welcome to attend meetings and comments are welcomed at any time. Comments can be:

  • • Emailed to,

  • • Mailed to P.O. Box 510, Gardiner, MT 59030, or

  • • Submitted online at

Comments received by the November meeting will be read at the November meeting during the Public Comment period. Comments received by the December meeting will be read at the December meeting before the board votes.

Details on the election process are available on the Faqs & Forms tab. We will have a Q&A session at the January 2018 board meeting for any interested applicants.

Bear Creek Council Enrichment through Projection Arts: $5,730 Bear Creek Council is seeking funds to purchase a digital projector, associated hardware, and a large projection screen for the Gardiner School multipurpose room for use during special events that benefit the school and community.

Electric Peaks Arts Council Shakespeare in the Park: $1,300 The Electric Peaks Arts Council is asking for support from the Gardiner Resort Area District to offer Montana

Shakespeare in the Parks (MSIP) in the summer of 2018.

Youth Initiative: $2,300 EPAC is expanding the youth initiative that includes in-school workshops, free admission to shows for students, and a performance workshop chosen in coordination with a student group. Our strategic plan to increase youth participation was successful last year and we would like to build upon that success.

Ukulele Initiative: $5,000 EPAC is requesting funds for two related ukulele projects for 2018. First, the purchase of ukuleles for the music education department at the Gardiner Public School. Second, an evening performance and school workshop by virtuoso ukulele player James Hill in late 2018.

Touring Artist Opportunity Fund: $1,000 Often times touring bands are playing in nearby towns and could also perform in Gardiner on short notice for modest fees. With an “opportunity fund” in place EPAC could schedule these bands when the chance arises; these opportunities often come up unexpectedly without

much advance notice.

Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District Asbestos Cement Water Main Replacement: $80,000 This would begin the process of replacing our aged and obsolete cement asbestos water main. This project would replace approximately 420 feet of pipe.

Gardiner Chamber of Commerce Arch Park Stage Electricity: $18,000 In 2016, the new Arch Park Stage was unveiled however, due to time constraints electricity was never run to the stage. This year we hope to be able to run electricity to the stage and in the process, create a functional open-air music and performance venue for the community.

Park Street Bear Proof Trash Cans & Public Art Wraps: $3,718 Park Street has trash and recycling bins located at either end of Park Street but there is not a trash receptacle located in the center. Placing a public, bear proof receptacle at the Chamber building will help reduce litter and keep the environment clean and safe for visitors, residents and wildlife.

Carpeting for the Gardiner Visitor Center: $14,720 This winter we completed renovations on the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center. The renovations greatly improved the visitor experience and we have gotten repeated compliments from visitors and residents on the new space. Replacing the carpeting in the main building will be the final stage of these renovations.

Gardiner Public Schools School Roof Replacement: $350,000 The school had some work completed approximately three years ago as an attempt to prolong the life of the roof; however, the roof is now leaking to a point where all shingles must be replaced. This request is for the shingle portion located on the north end of the building.

5th Grade, Expedition Yellowstone Trip: $4,760 Funds are requested to help cover the cost of the Expedition Yellowstone 4 day, 3 night trip into Yellowstone National Park for 5th grade students. Students attend a curriculum based, residential program to learn about the ecology, human history, geology and preservation of Yellowstone’s natural and cultural resources.

Gardiner Snoopy Cooperative Preschool Yellowstone Adventure Camp: $4,882 YAC offers outdoor-centered learning to grades K-6 of the Mammoth/Gardiner community. It runs Monday-Thursday during nine weeks of summer, focusing on learning about Yellowstone through themed programming. This request will cover four Gardiner-based weeks and will incorporate visual arts, STEAM, music, dance, and theater.

Gateway Hose Company Fire & Ambulance Building Addition: $80,000 A 30’x36’ building addition is needed to house a new ambulance and other equipment. The department is currently utilizing all its existing floor space. The addition of a water tender (priority #1) and a replacement ambulance (priority #3) will require two additional interior spaces and applicable doorways.

Greater Gardiner Community Council Community Center Design–Final Phase: $88,047 This will be the final phase of design/engineering for the renovation of the community center, tying all previous components into one set of CD’s. This will not include permitting or bid documents, as those steps will happen when enough money is raised for significant phase completion (construction).

Gardiner Jail Stabilization and Protection: $16,599 This request is for a new roof (to prevent further deterioration), fence (to prevent encroachment), and a simple interpretive exhibit. These repairs will protect the building for the present time while a more comprehensive historic restoration is assessed for the future of this historic structure


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