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2018 Resort Funds Applications Are In

There were a total of 19 applications totaling $650,000. Currently, the District has $490,000 available to be awarded: $41,000 for Community Services and Cultural grants, $449,000 for Infrastructure and Community Development grants. Applications are currently being evaluated for legal qualification. Any applications not qualified will be removed from consideration. At tonight’s meeting, the board will have a chance to question applicants and public comment will be gathered. At the December 11 meeting, the board will vote on applications.

The public is welcome to attend meetings and comments are welcomed at any time. Comments can be emailed to, mailed to P.O. Box 510, Gardiner, MT 59030, or submitted online at Comments received by the November meeting will be read then. Comments received by the December meeting will be read then before the board votes.

Bear Creek Council Community Events and Projects: $6,284 Bear Creek Council is seeking funds to support a suite of community events and enhancement projects. This support would encourage volunteers doing the ongoing work in pursuit of BCC’s mission.

Electric Peaks Arts Council Shakespeare in the Park: $1,350 EPAC is asking for support from the Gardiner Resort Area District to offer Montana Shakespeare in the Parks in the summer of 2019.

Youth Initiative: $2,300 EPAC is expanding the youth initiative that includes in-school workshops, free admission to shows for students, and a performance workshop chosen in coordination with a student group. Our strategic plan to increase youth participation was successful for the past two years and we would like to build upon that success.

Season Support: $3,000 EPAC is requesting funding that enables EPAC to offer artist fee contracts up to nine months in advance of the 2019-20 performance season (specifically Fall 2019) and to establish a source of matching funds that will be required by other granting agencies under which funds will be sought.

Donna Oblongata Show and Workshop: $2,391 EPAC is requesting funds to contract with Donna Oblongata to perform a show and a workshop. The show, ALL 100 FIRES, is a clownish take on revolution, war and the things that both cause and prevent us from acting courageously. The workshop, Getting at Liveness, explores tools for becoming more alive on stage.

Entre Nous Appliance Replacement: $1,900 Entre Nous is seeking funds to replace two aging appliances at the Gardiner Scout House.

Gardiner FFA Alumni & Supporters Start-Up Funding: $10,000 Gardiner FFA Alumni & Supporters are seeking funding to support the Gardiner FFA group. The funds are to pay for costs associated with attendance of Career Development and Leadership Opportunity events, scholarships and to supplement the Advisor’s pay for work conducted outside of the school contract year.

Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District Granite Street Water Line Replacement – Phase 1: $32,900 This project will complete the survey, geotechnical study and engineering for future replacement of approximately 1,500ft of aged and obsolete asbestos cement water main.

Spring Box Improvement: $86,032 The Water & Sewer District is seeking funding for the placement of a protective barrier to stop further damage from the elements on the slope above the spring water collection system – thus safeguarding the water quality status and preventing the need to treat said water as surface water.

Gardiner Public Schools

School Boiler Replacement – Phase 1 Gardiner Schools is requesting funds to help offset the costs associated with replacing the two Burnham boilers with two new boilers that are single fuel and high efficiency. Gateway Hose Company Fire & Ambulance

Building Addition (Rollover request from prior year): $80,000 A 30’x36’ building addition is needed to house a new ambulance and other equipment. The department is currently utilizing all its existing floor space. The addition of a water tender (priority #1) and a replacement ambulance (priority #3) will require two additional interior spaces and applicable doorways.

Ambulance Equipment: $66,930 Gateway Hose Company is seeking funds to replace the requested/required/upgraded equipment on the new ambulance. These mission critical items will assist our EMS providers in providing continued high-quality emergency care to the tourists and residents of Gardiner, free of charge.

Greater Gardiner Community Council Successful Gardiner: $31,500 GGCC is requesting funding for Successful Gardiner because Gardiner is facing many challenges. This project will bring the community together to 1) identify shared values; 2) build a common understanding of the underlying causes of challenges and prioritize issues to address and goals to achieve; 3) develop and implement an action plan to achieve those community goals.

Gardiner Jail Stabilization – Phase 2: $4,141 The 2018 project will provide stabilization and protection for the Gardiner Jail with a new roof and fence. This application will provide the additional funds needed to complete the work. Specifically the funds will pay for metal gates to both secure and access the jail, boulders to protect the fence and an exhibit. The same scope of work will be carried out; the previous estimate was too low and did not provide sufficient funds to complete the work with the lowest bid contractor. A modification was made to the contract and we hope that the gates and boulders can be installed in 2019.

North Yellowstone Education Foundation Missoula Children’s Theatre: $2,100 NYEF is seeking funding for Missoula Children’s Theatre, a self-sufficient traveling troupe that brings the arts into communities, fosters creativity and enhances innate capabilities in individuals. In one week, MCT provides the set, costumes, workshops, and rehearsals to perform a student play for the entire community.

Gardiner Rodeo Club Start Up Fee: $30,000 The Gardiner Rodeo Club is requesting the initial funds to have the 2019 Annual Rodeo.

Picnic Structure: $10,000 The Gardiner Rodeo Club is requesting funds for a permanent picnic structure at the rodeo grounds.

Chute Signs: $4,200 The Gardiner Rodeo Club would like to install permanent chute signs to look similar to the Arch and the Jim Duffy arena sign. The quote received for the building and installation was $700 per sign; six signs are needed.

Bathrooms: $25,000

The Gardiner Rodeo Club is requesting funds to build/install permanent bathrooms at the rodeo grounds.


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