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April 12, 2016

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Chair, Rebecca Demaree at 7 PM. All Members present. Public attendees present as follows: Vicki Regula, Peggy Reich, Betty Deweese, Laura Williams, Becky Smith, Anne Foster, Dennis

McIntosh, Jenny Golding, Ron Shorter, Doug Maccartney, Joseph Gross, Joyce Ludwig, Schalene Darr, and Barbara Read.

Rebecca Demaree gave a quick review of the Gardiner Tax Law and explained this meeting's application process to the Board and the public.

Richard Parks announced there is $230,000 available for appropriation. He indicated that amount will increase due to delinquent payments received but not yet entered. He said all of the applications together totaled $293,557, so there is not enough money for all of the Projects submitted.

Each Applicant was called up as follows:

Applicant #1: Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District

Project Name: Hydrant Replacement for Gardiner Community

Application Representative, Ron Shorter.

Funds Requested: $80,000

This Project would like to replace nine (9) fire hydrants and install a new main valve at a critical choke point in the distribution system that would allow water to continue pumping if a main break ever occurred in the area. Richard Parks asked how many hydrants would $80,000 buy - Applicant indicated that last time insulated hydrants cost $7,500 per hydrant. Richard then asked which was more important, new hydrants or a new main valve? Applicant responded that not fixing the valve could be a big problem, if it is shut down it would stop water from getting to town. Rebecca Demaree asked if a partial payment was donated, what would it be spent on? Applicant responded that he would replace existing hydrants with new "Mueller" Hydrants that have their own shut off valve. Rebecca Demaree noted that the application indicates the Sewer & Water District has substantial capital reserves and asked whether they could be used for this project. Mr. Shorter advised the board that the district is facing two near term non-discretionary capital projects that will require over $2,000,000 and therefore it would be better not to tap that reserve. Rebecca asked Applicant to email her a breakout of the most "crucial costs" by April 26, 2016. Applicant said he would.

Applicant #2: Greater Gardiner Community Council ("GGCC")

Project Name: Gardiner Community Center Cultural Programs Support

Application Representative: Anne Foster

Funds requested: $1,620

This project would expand cultural event programs for the community. Rebecca Demaree asked Anne to email her an itemized breakdown of costs by April 26, 20116. Applicant indicated she would.

Applicant #3: Greater Gardiner Community Council ("GGCC")

Project Name: Memorandum of Intent ... Affordable Housing

Application Representative at Board Meeting: Becky Smith.

Funds requested: $7,500

This project is to help with affordable housing in Gardiner. Becky indicated they have been working with HRDC of Bozeman, Montana, for the past year to help with ideas for housing in Gardiner. She indicated that HRDC has already submitted a plan for Gardiner housing. The money from the Resort Tax would pay for another year of continued work with HRDC. Wade Laubach expressed concern about the money being spent outside of the Gardiner District. Rebecca Demaree asked if a contract could be put in place with HRDC stating that the money would be spent in Gardiner. Applicant replied "yes." Richard Parks asked if progress reports can be generated by HRDC and if there can be a projection on what the deliverables would be. Applicant replied "yes" again.

Applicant #4: Greater Gardiner Community Counsel ("GGCC")

Project Name: Preliminary Architectural Report (PAR) for a Water and Sewer and Sheriff's


Application Representative: Dennis McIntosh

Funds requests: $20,000

This amount is based on a fee proposal from CTA Architects to perform the PAR, project is estimated to cost $30,000 Rebecca Demaree asked if the Water & Sewer District and the Sheriff's Department was in agreement to share a space. Applicant replied "yes." Aimee Dawson inquired about the location of the substation being located at the end/ corner of the airport. Applicant indicated that Park County "offered up" the piece of land by the airport - by the green boxes/grader shed. The site can support two (2) buildings - and they have chosen not to renovate the existing building. He indicated they anticipate problems will arise with the Airport Board. He said they are "forced" to look at any available land in the District.

Applicant #5: Great Gardiner Community Council ("GGCC")

Project Name: Gardiner Community Center Design & Construction Document Preparation

Application Representatives: Anne Foster & Dennis McIntosh

Funds requested: $65,182

Representatives indicated they would like to restore the Community Center to it's original "historic use" and "natural grandeur." They advised no "Historical Site annomination form" has been filed yet. Applicant advised the construction ballpark cost for restoration is between $1.3- $1.5 million - $20,000 has already been spent on work performed by CTA Architects for hazmat, architectural, and historical analysis'. Representatives indicated the building will once again host dances, political events, meetings, etc. Some changes will include changes to the entry way, new bathrooms and modernizing the kitchen/making it bigger. Since the application asked about partial funding and their answer indicated that there were two pieces of work of nearly equal size involved, Rebecca asked if dividing the project that way and only funding part of it would incur greater costs. The applicant indicated that impact would only amount to" a few hundred dollars."

Applicant #6: Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Project Name: Visitor Center Public Restroom Building

Applicant Representative: Schalene Darr

Funds requested: $80,000

Representative indicated this money is being requested to pay for the construction of new public restrooms. Greg Dalling inquired about the $101,000 that has been given already to the Project. Representative indicated some money went to plans but that initial bids exceeded the available funds and this request if granted should allow completion of the project. Richard Parks inquired if costs could be cut cutting by not making the bathroom open 24 hours. The applicant indicated a willingness to explore this.

Applicant #7: Electric Peak Arts Counsel ("EPAC")

Project Name: Performing and Visual Arts Project

Application Representative: Jenny Golding

Funds requested: $2,750

Representative indicated they are trying to bring "acts" to Gardiner, but it is all based on the budget. They are still applying for grants but those amounts fluctuate, so "acts" get funded by local businesses when there is not enough money. The operating cost has increased to $2,500.00.

Applicant #8, Electric Peak Arts Council ("EPAC")

Project Name: Montana Shakespeare in the Parks - Gardiner Performance

Application Representative: Laura Williams

Funds requested: $1,300

Representative indicated they do not have enough money in their annual budget to cover the entire cost of the

performances. Representative indicated that they have received small Grants, but last year they had to pay $235 out of pocket because they were short. This money would be used for performances, hotel rooms, rain back-up plans, etc.

Applicant #9: Electric Peak Arts Council ("EPAC")

Project Name: Strategic Planning

Application Representative: Jenny Golding

Funds requested: $1,500

Representative indicated when asked about other funding sources for this project, that the organization was stretching already and the project could not go ahead without the grant.

Applicant #10: Spay Neuter Project

Project Name: Spay Neuter Project - Gardiner Resort Tax District Initiative

Application Representatives: Peggy Reich and Vicki Regula

Funds requested: $1,000

Representative indicated this money would go towards dogs & cats in Gardiner only. It would help with feral and free roaming dogs and cats, as well as help people in the District with costs & transportation to Livingston, where spays and neuters would take place. Wade Laubach expressed concern about the money going out of the Gardiner District, but representatives assured the money would strictly be spent on animals in Gardiner only.

Applicant #11: Upper Yellowstone Roundup Association

Project Name: Rodeo Grounds Clean Up

Application Representative: Amy Howie

Funds requested: $4,000

No representative from the Association was present at the Board Meeting.

Applicant #12: Gardiner Community Library

Project Name: Provide Free Internet Access and Up-To-Date Computer Technology

Application Representative: Betty Deweese

Funds requested: $6,500

Representative expressed the importance of having free computer access in the community. They would like

new computers, to set up private work stations and implement a new card catalog system. Aimee Dawson inquired about having computers donated to the Library. Representative said they are not eligible since they are not tax-exempt. Rebecca Demaree suggested Representative look into Tech- She indicated it may help to save on the amount of requests funds. Aimee Dawson asked if some partial money this year would help to buy some computers, and partial money next year. Representative said "anything would help."

Applicant #13: Entre Nous

Project Name: Scout House Improvements

Application Representative: Joyce Ludwig

Funds requested: $3,203.68

Representative indicated the work for this Project has been completed. Still some things are needed like insulated curtains and carpeting. Rebecca Demaree asked Representative to email her a breakout of work completed last year and this year, by April 26, 2016.

Applicant #14: Gardiner Resort Area District

Project Name: Start-up Project

Application Representative: Richard Parks

Funds requested: $19,000

The funds would be for start-up costs associated with establishing the local district including, but not limited to, legal fees and equipment.

Calls for Public Comment:

Public Attendee Joe Gross asked how much money is available? $230,000.00.

With the discussion of the applications completed the board then took up the standing agenda items:

Secretary Parks moved approval of the March meeting minutes, Director Laubach seconded. - All in favor.

Treasurer Parks moved approval of the draft budget, Director Laubach seconded - All in favor.

Director Dawson moved that a committee be formed to establish a committee to draft procedures for collections and the handling of delinquent enterprises, seconded by Director Dalling. All in favor. Chair Demaree named herself, Director Parks, Administrative Officer Momot and Attorney Jamison to the committee.

Next Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 10, 2016, 7 PM

There being no further business Director Dalling moved we adjourn at 8:40 PM, seconded by Director Parks, all in favor.

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