Chair Demaree convened the regular meeting of the GRAD board at 7 PM. All board members being present and attorney Jamison attending via phone. There were no members of the public present.
Director Parks moved approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by Director Dalling. All voted aye.
Jamison updated us on the legal action filed against Park County. The judge has vacated her initial order dismissing the lawsuit and ordered the parties to refile their motions. In the meantime the plaintiffs have filed a second lawsuit, making essentially the same claims and then requested a substitute judge. The county has responded to the new filing with their motions.
Director Parks presented the treasurer's report including our current financial statement. Parks moved approval of the report, seconded by Director Laubach. All voted aye.
Director Parks will present a draft operating budget for the district to the March meeting.
Director Parks reported on the research into the potential banking partners for the district. Parks moved selection of First Interstate Bank as our banking partner, seconded by Director Dawson. All voted aye.
We have received 4 applications for our administrative position. There was general agreement that one of them appears substantially over qualified and the hiring committee (Laubach and Parks) were directed to move ahead with interviewing the remaining candidates.
Director Demaree reported that a rental agreement for office space has been worked out with the Chamber of Commerce and that insurance covering general liability and Officers/Directors has been secured.
Director Demaree reported progress on setting up a website for the district and drafting of the various forms for registering businesses and applying for funds from the district. The subject is continued to the March meeting.
Attorney Jamison then introduced the draft of Ordinance 201 6-1 establishing collection and enforcement procedures for the district. A consensus to expand section 4 to include "other state licensing or permitting" agencies was reached. Director Parks moved, seconded by Director Dawson, to advance Ordinance 2016-1, as amended, to its first public reading (hearing). All voted aye.
Attorney Jamison introduced the draft of Ordinance 2016-2 defining the procedures for annual and emergency appropriations of District funds. The board came to a consensus on three edits of the draft. Director Laubach moved, second by Director Dawson, to advance Ordinance 2016-2, as amended to its first public reading (hearing). All voted aye.
The board discussed the schedule for the hearings. Director Dawson moved, seconded by Director Dailing, to set the first hearing for a special meeting of the Board on February 23rd at 7PM, the second hearing for the regular meeting of the Board on March 8th. All voted aye. This allows the ordinances to go into effect on April 7th.
Director Dawson moved, seconded by Director Dalling, adjournment at 9:10 PM. All voted aye.