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February 9, 2021

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Held via Zoom

Chair Parks called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. All members were present, including the Administrative Manager; Missy Miculka and Sabina Strauss were the members of the public present.

Administrative Manager Bush presented the January meeting minutes. Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve the January minutes. Director Gerdes seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. AdministrativeManager Bush presented the current expenses and financial reports for the month. Director Fuhrmann moved to approve the current expenses and financial reports. Secretary/Treasurer Stone seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. In Old Business, Chair Parks presented the amended ordinances 2015-1 and 2016-1 for their second reading. Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve the amended ordinances 2015-1 and 2016-1 as provided, with a date correction in Section 3, (2) to October 1, 2030. Director Fuhrmann seconded the motion. No further discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

In other Old Business, Secretary/Treasurer Stone updated the Board that the VRBO/Homeaway platform has completed their update and is now collecting 4% resort tax on reservations for the 2021 season. She was notified of this on January 25, 2021. Also, per the District’s accountant, it is the responsibility of all business owners to keep accurate records of which reservations were placed under the 3% tax and which under the 4% tax. A public comment was heard regarding Airbnb; which does not currently collect or remit the resort tax for their customers.

Secretary Stone will follow up and contact them.

Finally, Admin Manager Bush has advertised for the Board vacancy in February for Director Fuhrmann’s position. The deadline to apply is March 1st.

In New Business, Chair Parks asked the Board for discussion regarding the current late fees and late interest charged per the ordinance. A discussion/question/answer session ensued with the following points noted by Board members:

  • Where did the $30 flat fee and the 1% interest come from?

Chair Parks stated the 1% interest fee comes from the State and allows for different business sizes by it being a percentage amount.

  • We strive for consistency among all our businesses; businesses are collecting the money and should therefore have it to remit. Timeliness is the responsibility of the business owner.

  • We could investigate making changes to the ordinance, which would be a longer process and may contain other changes as well.

  • Could the late fees be staggered per the amount of tax collected?

  • The $30 may be excessive for exceedingly small accounts.

  • Determining “intent” on part of the owners; small town feel, and consideration should be given when charging late fees/interest.

  • Investigate list of exempted businesses.

  • Allow seasonal payments for small businesses.

Public Comments on this topic included:

  • Understanding of the need for there to be a late fee of some kind.

  • Most folks are trying to do what is right.

  • Small town, with small businesses just trying to make ends meet.

  • “Individuals” should be considered.

The Board will continue to work on this issue and further discussions may be had at later meetings.

In public comment, Sabina Strauss joined in this meeting as she is a new Gardiner Chamber Board Member.

Chair Parks adjourned the general meeting at 7:49 PM.

Chair Parks opened an Executive Session at 7:50 PM.

Chair Parks closed the Executive Session at 8:13 PM.

The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 7:00 PM. This meeting will be another virtual meeting, via the Zoom platform. Secretary/Treasurer Stone moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM. Director Fuhrmann seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

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