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January 14, 2020

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Chair Parks called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. All members were present, including the Administrative Manager; Robert Kopeland of Gateway Hose Co was also in attendance.

Administrative Manager Bush presented the December meeting minutes. Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve the December minutes. Secretary/Treasurer Stone seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. Administrative Manager Bush presented the current expenses and financial reports for the month. Director Dawson moved to approve the current expenses and financial reports. Director Gerdes seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Secretary/Treasurer Stone presented the proposed Operating Budget for 2020, explaining all line items. Chair Parks suggested rounding up a bit on all expenses; the Board discussed increasing the amount for Legal Fees to $7000.00. Treasurer Stone will present the 2020 Budget in its final form at the February meeting.

In Old Business, Chair Parks updated the Board on SB 241 and the additional 1%. He has clarified a few things with the District’s legal counsel: no petition will be needed; 2 public hearings are suggested; wording for the ballot would be due on February 10th to make the May election OR a special election is a possibility OR the general election in November. Board agrees the May election is too soon and will continue to plan for the November election. Chair Parks, Vice-Chair Dalling and Administrator Bush will hold a meeting on Jan. 23rd with any groups that might have projects qualifying as “infrastructure”. Finally, in old business an ad will be placed looking for persons interested in serving on the Board.

In New Business, Vice-Chair brought up possible changes to the Ordinance, such as a “year-round” tax. Chair Parks mentioned a possible change in the District’s boundaries at the same time. The Board agreed to focus on getting a project lined up for the additional 1% should be the first priority. Treasurer Stone has drafted some information to be placed on the District’s website regarding the recent changes affecting vacation rental owner who utilize the VRBO platform. An informational letter will be mailed to all vacation rental owners registered with the District as well. Treasurer Stone also updated the Board on the new insurance policy for Directors’ and Officers’. This is being drafted and will be in place as soon as possible.

In public comment, Bob Kopeland thanked the Board and recognized all the work involved in running the resort tax district.

The Board adjourned into an executive session at 8:13 PM. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00 PM at the Gardiner Visitor Center. Vice-Chair Dalling moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 PM. Director Dawson seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

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