Chair Demaree called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. Members present included Rebecca Demaree, Greg Dalling, Wade Laubach and Aimee Dawson; Richard Parks was absent; Administrative Manager Bush was also present. No one from the public attended this meeting.
Chair Demaree reviewed the internal control procedures suggested by the district’s CPA, Rosie Barndt and updated the board on the absence of the Secretary/Treasurer for the next few meetings. Chair Demaree and Manager Bush have been working on adjusting the district’s procedures to better reflect each month’s business in a timely manner at each board meeting. One objective is to have the District’s Manager record all account activity, for that month, into Quick Books prior to each board meeting. This will allow the board members to exercise their oversight and approval for all expenditures and incoming revenues each month at the regular board meeting. Chair Demaree also presented the idea to add Vice Chair Dalling on the signature card for the district’s accounts in the absence of the Secretary/Treasurer, Richard Parks. Director Laubach moved to add Vice Chair Dalling as a signatory on the district’s accounts with First Interstate Bank. Director Dawson seconded the motion. No additional discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.
Manager Bush presented the June minutes for the board to review. Director Dawson moved to approve the June minutes. Director Laubach seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.
Chair Demaree updated the board that EPAC has withdrawn their previous request to change projects with their appropriation money.
Manager Bush presented the following financial reports to the board for review: the Profit/Loss Statement, the Year-to-Date Budget vs. Actual for the Operating Fund and the Journal reports for both June and July. A discussion was held to clarify what each report shows and to clarify what information the board members would like to see each month. It was suggested to change the Journal reports to a Check Register so the account balance would show. A discussion was held regarding incoming revenue and which account it should be received into. Vice Chair Dalling moved to put all incoming money directly into the District’s saving account, unless otherwise directed by the bank. Director Dawson seconded the motion. No additional discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. Vice Chair Dalling moved to relocate the District’s files to the Administrative Managers home office. Director Laubach seconded the motion. No additional discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.
Chair Demaree called for new business. There was none. Chair Demaree called for public comment. There was none. The next regular meeting will be held on August 8th at 7:00 PM at the Chamber office. Director Dawson moved to adjourn the meeting. Vice Chair Dalling seconded the motion. All voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.