The meeting was called to order by chair Demaree at 7PM. All members present, attorney Jamison on the phone, and members of the public Eric Robinson and Laura Williams.
Jamison presented the second reading of Ordinance 2016-1 on enforcement. The board had no changes to discuss and the public had no comment. Director Dawson moved, second by Director Laubach to adopt the ordinance. All directors voted Aye, ordinance passed.
Jamison presented the second reading of Ordinance 2016-2 on appropriations. Again there was no discussion from the board or the public. Director Dalling moved, second by Director Dawson to adopt the ordinance. All directors voted aye, ordinance passed. The ordinances go into effect as of April 7th, 2016. At this point attorney Jamison left the meeting.
Secretary Parks moved approval of the minutes for the regular meeting of February 9th 2016 as presented, motion seconded by Director Laubach. All voted aye.
Secretary Parks moved approval of the minutes for the special meeting of February 23rd 2016 as presented, motion seconded by Director Laubach. All voted aye.
Directors Laubach and Parks reported on their review of applicants for the position of the Board’s administrative officer. Director Parks moved, second by Director Laubach to engage Tanya Momot for the position. All voted aye.
Director Parks was tasked with negotiating the final contract terms and coordinating the employment contract with Momot and Jamison.
Director Parks presented the Treasurer’s Report and a draft budget. The board discussed the various line items and the format of the budget and Director Parks committed to having a new draft ready for discussion at
the next regular meeting.
Chair Demaree announced that with the appropriations ordinance in effect before the next board meeting that the District is now ready to accept applications for appropriations with a deadline of April 1st with a view to
making appropriations at the May meeting.
There being no further business Director Dalling moved, seconded by Director Dawson, that we adjourn at 8:20 PM. All voted aye.