Chair Demaree called the meeting to order at 7PM. All members were present as well as Attorney Jamison and the following members of the public: Laura Williams, Mary Strikroth, Shelene Darr, Paul Condon, Jenny Golding, Doug Maccartney, Betty Deweese, Anne Foster, Joseph Gross, and Geoff Brown.
Secretary Parks moved approval of the minutes for the previous meeting of 4/12/16, second by Director Laubach. All voted aye.
Attorney Jamison presented the process to be used in making the appropriations.
Director Dailing moved approval of the extension of the 2014 Pocket Park Project appropriation, second by Director Dawson. All voted aye.
At the direction of the Chair Treasurer Parks reported that the Board has available $231,306.
Director Laubach moved we allocate $80,000 for the Gardiner Water District project. Motion died for lack of a second.
Director Laubach moved we allocate $19,000 for the Resort Area District start up project, second by Director Dawson. In discussion Director Dailing moved we reduce all the applications to 80% of the requested amounts. Motion died for lack of a second. The allocation of $19,000 passed, 4 directors voting Aye, one voting Nay.
Director Dawson moved we allocate $50,000 for the Gardiner Water District project, second by Director Laubach. In discussion we looked at the Water District's alternative proposal for $57,500. Directors Dawson and Laubach moved and seconded amending the allocation to $57,500. All voted Aye.
Director Laubach moved we allocate $3203.68 for the Scout House improvement project, second by Director Dawson. All voted Aye.
Chair Demaree moved we allocate $6,500 for the Library project, second by Director Laubach. All voted Aye.
Director Laubach moved that we take up the application of the Rodeo Club. Motions died for lack of a second. Director Dailing moved that there be no consideration of the Rodeo Club application as it was not submitted by the deadline for applications, second by Chair Demaree. Three directors voted Aye, two directors voted Nay, motion passed.
Director Dawson moved we allocate $1,620 for the Community Center Cultural Programs project, seconded by Director Dailing. All voted Aye.
Chair Demaree moved we allocate $1,500 for the EPAC Strategic Planning project, seconded by Director Laubach. All voted Aye.
Director Dawson moved we allocate $32,066 for the Community Center Design and Construction Document project. All voted Aye.
Director Parks moved we allocate $7,500 for the Greater Gardiner Community Council Affordable Housing project, seconded by Director Dailing. All voted Aye.
Director Dailing moved we allocate $80,000 for the Chamber Public Restroom project, seconded by Director Dawson. All voted Aye.
Chair Demaree moved we allocate $1,000 for the Spay/Neuter project, seconded by Director Laubach. Four directors voted Aye, one director voted Nay, motion passed.
Director Dailing moved we allocate $1,300 for the Shakespeare in the Park project, seconded by Director Demaree. All voted Aye.
Director Laubach moved we allocate $2,750 for the Preforming and Visual Arts project, seconded by Director Dawson. All voted Aye.
Director Parks moved we amend the previous motion to allocate $19,000 for the GRAD Startup project to $16,367, seconded by Director Dawson. All voted Aye.
Director Dawson move we allocate $20,000 for Sheriff's Substation project, seconded by Director Dailing. All voted Aye.
Having brought the allocations in line with the available funds, Chair Demaree moved approval of the appropriations, seconded by Director Laubach. All voted Aye.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 14th, 2016.
The public portion of the meeting was closed at 8:15 PM to be followed by a closed session to discuss a personnel matter.
Director Parks moved we adjourn at 8:40 PM, seconded by Director Dalling. All voted Aye.