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November 13, 2018

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Chair Parks called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Richard Parks, Greg Dalling, Eleanor Stone, Aimee Dawson and Jessi Gerdes were the Board members present. Barbara Bush,the Administrative Manager was also present; members of the public in attendance included (but not limited to) the following: Joseph Gross, Laura Dooley, Lynn Chan, Randy Carpenter, Dennis Glick, Rebecca Demaree, Pat Baltzey, Randy Russell, Jenny Golding, Nico Wood Kos, Becky Smith, Lori Hoppe, Tina Sperano, Debbie Bateson, Mary Strickroth, Rick Lamelugh, Chelsea Deweese, Sabrina Strauss, Jeff Guengerich, Greg Strauss, Ashea Mills and Zondra Skertich.

Administrative Manager Bush presented the October meeting minutes. Director Dawson moved to approve the October meeting minutes. Vice-Chair Dalling seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Administrative Manager Bush presented the financial statements for the month, including a Recent Transaction List and a Budget vs Actual Operating Report. Secretary/Treasurer Stone moved to approve the financial statements for the month. Director Gerdes seconded the motion. No further discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Secretary/Treasurer Stone moved to approve the outstanding bills/expenses for the month. Director Dawson seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Chair Parks welcomed all members of the public to the meeting, explaining the question-answer session for the meeting. The public was encouraged to make comments/ask questions.

Chair Parks reminded the Board that the Gateway Hose Company has requested to Rollover their appropriation from last year of $80,000.00.

Secretary/Treasurer Stone explained the District ordinance and how money is partially appropriated by the ordinance and that two accounts, the Capital Improvement and the Community Service accounts are the money the Board appropriates. The current available funds are Capital Improvement $449,182.00 and Community Service $41,051.00. These amounts include the $80,000.00 rollover request. These amounts could increase slightly as more collections are received and/or previous appropriations are unspent.

Each application was announced and the representing members were given a chance to explain their request and to answer any questions from the Board and/or members of the public. Groups requesting more than one project were asked to prioritize their requests and were asked if they had any additional methods of funding. Groups were asked to clarify where their projects would be taking place, to ensure placement within the District boundaries. Groups were cautioned that the District cannot pay for something without a contract and until after a service has been rendered. Groups were cautioned if their applications seemed incomplete and any additional information needed was requested. Discussion/questions were held on all applications with the exception of the Gardiner Rodeo Clubs applications. No representative was present to explain their applications. Jeff Guengerich, President of the Gardiner Chamber was present however and stated that the Gardiner Chamber owned the rodeo grounds and was not aware of these project requests.

After the question/answer session was complete, Chair Parks called for any additional public comment. Mr. Joe Gross asked for $1900.00 for snow removal by the Chamber. No formal application was made for this however. In Old Business, Chair Parks reminded the Board about the upcoming yearly Resort District meeting over in Big Sky, Montana on November 30th at 2:00 PM. Several members stated an interest in attending this meeting. Chair Parks called for an Executive Session to begin. The members of the public were excused.

The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, December 10th at 7:00 PM at the Gardiner Visitor Center. Director Gerdes moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 PM. Vice-Chair Dalling seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Gardiner Resort Area District Minutes of the Executive Session – November 13, 2018

Chair Parks directed the Board that there were some delinquent accounts that the Board needed to be updated on.

Administrative Manager began with a delinquent account from the 2017 season.

The taxes owed, along with late fees and interest have been paid on this account, yet the owner is requesting that the late fees and late interest be credited back due to medical issues. No refund will be issued; a thank you note will be sent stating the request was denied due to being given multiple notifications that the account was past due and that it would have been a precedent setting action the Board did not want to make.

Another delinquent account, for the complete 2018 season, was stating they were not paying late fees and/or late interest due to having a “signed agreement” to be able to pay once a season. No member of the Board has any recollection of such agreement, nor would have agreed to one. Chair Parks stated they may be confused with something Park County did back in 2015 when they were collecting the resort taxes. This account will be notified that our current procedure is to pay monthly and will be invoiced for all 4 months with the applicable late fees and interest included.

A third delinquent account has challenged the wording of the ordinance claiming how they run their business (on a cash basis versus an accrual basis) relives them of having to pay any resort taxes. This account information will be sent to the District’s attorney, Betsy Griffing for her review. In the meantime, they will be invoiced for all three months, including late fees and late interest.

Finally, demand letters will be prepared and sent for anyone who is currently delinquent for the 2018 season.

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