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November 9, 2021

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Gardiner Resort Area District

Minutes of the Regular Meeting – November 9, 2021

Chair Parks called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Richard Parks, Greg Dalling, Eleanor Stone, Jessi Gerdes and Bob Fuhrmann were the Board members present. Barbara Bush, the Administrative Manager was also present; members of the public in attendance included

(but not limited to) the following: Nico Wood Kos, Bob Kopeland, JoLynn Sharrow, Dennis McIntosh, Mike Baer, Matt Whitman, Terese Petcoff, Jenny Golding and Nathan Varley.

The following were present via Zoom: Anne Foster, Katie Weaver, Hunter Michebrink, Laura Gunlock, Josh Wells, Doug MacCartney and Shelly Siedlaczek.

Administrative Manager Bush presented the October meeting minutes. Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve the October meeting minutes. Director Fuhrmann seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Administrative Manager Bush presented the financial statements for the month, including a Recent Transaction List and a Profit/Loss Report. Secretary/Treasurer Stone moved to approve the financial statements for the month. Director Gerdes seconded the motion. No further discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

Chair Parks welcomed all members of the public to the meeting, explaining the question-answer session for the meeting. The public was encouraged to make comments/ask questions. The public was encouraged to speak up clearly so the virtual attendees could hear with only one person speaking at once.

Secretary/Treasurer Stone explained the District ordinance and how money is partially appropriated by the ordinance and that two accounts, the Capital Improvement and the Community Service accounts are the money the Board appropriates. The current available funds together are approximately $499,597.00.

Applicants were asked to speak on their applications and rollover applications if applicable. Each new application was announced, and the representing members were given a chance to explain their request and to answer questions from the Board and/or members of the public. Groups requesting more than one project were asked to prioritize their requests and were asked if they had any additional methods of funding. Groups were asked to clarify where their projects would be taking place, to ensure placement within the District boundaries.

Below is a list of all applications received and discussed.

Bear Creek Council – Bear Aware Cans NEW $ 2,800.00

*This would fund 10 more cans for inside the Resort District; BCC is purchasing an additional 10 cans for use outside the district; commercial entities can request cans, however they pay for them. Director Fuhrmann thanked Nathan Varley for the specific details.

EPAC – Shakespeare in the Parks NEW $ 1475.00

EPAC – Youth Initiative NEW $ 4900.00

EPAC – Strategic Planning NEW $ 2500.00

*Jenny Golding spoke on all projects; Strategic Planning is needed again as it was a few years back and there are several new Board members.

Park Co Airport Board – Runway ROLLOVER $ 50,000.00

Park Co Airport Board – Runway Improvemts NEW $ 100,000.00

*Matt Whitman spoke on these projects; these applications represent only 13% of the entire project as the runway isn’t completely in the district. Board questions centered on District boundaries and whether the project could continue with only partial funding.

Gardiner Chamber – AED for Visitor Center NEW $ 1,315.00

Gardiner Chamber – Add’l Bear Cans/Wraps NEW $ 18,189.00

*Terese Petcoff spoke on issues Chamber dealt with during the season and the need for more trash cans in town; she explained theyhave included costs for servicing them; an AED would be a valuable item to have on hand in that location in town for visitor safety. The Board appreciated her thorough application and detailed cost breakdown.

Gardiner Public School – Playground Renovation NEW $ 85.933.00

*Mike Baer spoke on the need to replace outdated equipment and to make the playground ADA compliant; the project could be partially funded but main piece is @$56,000.

Gardiner Water/Sewer – Main Storage Tank ROLLOVER $ 304,711.00

Gardiner Water/Sewer – Complete Project NEW $1,075,621.00

*Josh Wells clarified that the large amount includes the rollover amount; this application breaks the project down into 4 schedules; Schedule 1 – $429,068.00; spoke to high construction bids

Gateway Hose Co – Structural Fire Engine ROLLOVER $ 170,000.00

Gateway Hose Co – Improved Operations NEW $ 81,500.00

*Down Payment cannot be paid until the chassis is built; new application includes the Tempest Monitors to coordinate with Park Service and Park Co’s equipment

GGCC – Federal Grant Matching Funds NEW $ 100,000.00

*GGCC received a state historical preservation grant of $500,000 but needs matching funds to access this grant money

NYEF – Grant Writer NEW $ 15,000.00

NYEF – Connect! Grants Matching Funds NEW $ 10,000.00

After the question/answer session was complete, Chair Parks called for any additional public comment. Matt Whitmann, Park Co Public Works, updated the Board on upcoming improvements in the Gardiner area, including the Jardine Road and the Bear Creek bridge deck up in Jardine.

In Old Business, Chair Parks reminded the Board that their research into what is considered a “nexus” for business in the District will be continued at the January meeting. He suggested inviting some local business members to this meeting.

In New Business, Secretary/Treasurer Stone requested the Board consider auditing some businesses this winter as they have budgeted for; this would be a random selection. This will be tabled until the January meeting also.

In public comment, Nico Wood Kos thanked the Board for their diligent work on behalf of the community.

The next meeting will be held on December 14th at the Chamber office with a Zoom link as an option too. Director Gerdes motioned to adjourn the regular session meeting at 8:33PM. Vice-Chair Dalling seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

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