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October 2023

Chair Parks called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. Richard Parks, Chairman, Greg Dalling, Vice-Chair, Bob Fuhrmann, Secretary/Treasurer, and Director Klein were all in attendance; Admin Manager, Barbara Bush was present. Director Taylor was absent. No public members were in attendance.

Administrative Manager Bush presented the September meeting minutes. Vice-Chair Dalling moved to approve the September minutes. Secretary/Treasurer Fuhrmann seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. Administrative Manager Bush presented the current expenses and financial reports for the month. Secretary/Treasurer Fuhrmann moved to approve the current expenses and financial reports. Director Klein seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

In Old Business, Admin Manager Bush updated the Board regarding her brief meet-n-greet with Dane Hancock of Rudd and Company. The audit process will begin next January with a contract for services; next, she updated the Board regarding delinquent accounts. Director Klein and Secretary/Treasurer Fuhrmann discussed the rates found for District stickers. Vice-Chair Dalling and Director Klein will attend the statewide Resort District meeting and report back at the November meeting.

In New Business, Admin Manager Bush updated the Board on the reporter from Livingston who was trying to get in touch; a small article ran in the Livingston Enterprise about the Call for Applications.

There was no public comment.

The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 14th at 7:00 PM at the Gardiner Chamber. Vice-Chair Dalling moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM. Secretary/Treasurer Fuhrmann seconded the motion. No discussion was needed; all voted in favor; none opposed. Motion passed.

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