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Projects Funded

Shakespeare in the Park 2.jpg

Tax Allocations

Resort Tax Funds are allocated as follows per the tax ordinance.


The original 3% resort tax, voted in 2014 is allocated as follows:

5% GRAD District Operations

5% Businesses Collection Reimbursement

10% Property Tax Relief

10% Gardiner Visitor Center operations

15% Visitor Center Capital Grant


The remaining tax funds are allocated by application to the Board:

5% Community Services and Cultural Grants

50% Infrastructure/community development


The additional 1% voted in 2020 goes to a Gardiner Water and Sewer District project 

GRAD Tax Allocations Graph.png

Project Gallery

Missoula Children's Theatre hosted by Electric Peaks Art Council

Missoula Children's Theatre hosted by Electric Peaks Art Council

2017 Rapp Project by Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District

2017 Rapp Project by Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District

2017 Rapp Project by Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District

2017 Rapp Project by Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District

2019 Granite Street Project by Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District

2019 Granite Street Project by Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District

2019 Granite Street Project by Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District

2019 Granite Street Project by Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District

Bear Resistant Garbage Cans by Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Bear Resistant Garbage Cans by Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Bear Resistant Garbage Cans by Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Bear Resistant Garbage Cans by Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Bear Resistant Garbage Cans by Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Bear Resistant Garbage Cans by Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Structural Fire Engine by Gateway Hose Company

Structural Fire Engine by Gateway Hose Company

Shakespeare in the Park, hosted by Electric Peaks Art Council,

Shakespeare in the Park, hosted by Electric Peaks Art Council

Gardiner Chamber Office

Gardiner Chamber Office

2024 Projects

Funds collected from the 2024 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Electric Peak Arts COuncil.jpg

Electric Peak Arts Council

Shakespeare in the Parks: $1,920 awarded

Youth Initiative: $5,000 awarded

North Yellowstone Education Foundation

Grant Writer to Benefit Gardiner School: $15,000 awarded

​Connect! Grants Matching Funds: $20,000 awarded

Gardiner Chamber.jpg

Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Bathroom Renovation: $19,117 awarded

Refuse Removal: $5,460 awarded


Gardiner School

Field Renovations: $157,500 awarded


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

Blower Room: $100,000 awarded


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Gardiner Hose Company

Priorities: $78,932 awarded



Greater Gardiner Community Council

Operating: $15,024 awarded

Construction: $375,000 awarded

2023 Projects

Funds collected from the 2023 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Electric Peak Arts Council

Shakespeare in the Parks

$1,700awarded ($1,475 requested)


Youth Initiative

$4,600 awarded ($4,600 requested


Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Public Restroom Facility Upgrade

$2,231 awarded ($2,231 requested)



$5,456 awarded ($5,456 requested)


Snow Removal

$6,750 awarded ($6,750 requested)


Public Trash Refuse Service

$5,460 awarded ($5,460 requested)


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

Storage Tank Distribution Water Main Replacement

$360,000 awarded  ($360,000 requested)


Greater Gardiner Community Council

Cushing/Terrell Grant

$74,985 awarded ($74,985 requested)


Gardiner Hose Company

Multiple Priorities

$61,278 awarded ($61,278 requested)


North Yellowstone Education Foundation

Grant Writer to Benefit Gardiner School

$15,000 awarded ($15,000 requested)


Connect! Grants Matching Funds

$20,000 awarded ($20,000 requested)

2022 Projects

Funds collected from the 2022 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Bear Creek Council

Bear Resistant Garbage Cans

$3,100 awarded ($3,100 requested)

Electric Peak Arts Council

Shakespeare in the Parks

$515 awarded ($519 requested)


Youth Initiative

$4,600 awarded ($4,600 requested)


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

Water Main Project Final Phase 1 & 2,

Granite Street Water Line

$53,556 awarded ($155,499 requested)


Main Storage Tank

$304,711 awarded  ($304,711 requested)


Gardiner Hose Company

Structural Fire Engine, Payment #2

$42,032 awarded ($42,032 requested)


North Yellowstone Education Foundation

Connect! Grants Matching Funds

$10,000 awarded ($10,000 requested)

2021 Projects

Funds collected from the 2021 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Bear Creek Council

Bear Resistant Garbage Cans

$2,800 awarded ($2,800 requested)

Electric Peak Arts Council

Shakespeare in the Parks

$1,475 awarded ($1,475 requested)


Youth Initiative

$4,900 awarded ($4,900 requested)


Strategic Planning

$2,500 awarded ($2,500 requested)


Park County Airport Board

Gardiner Airport Runway Improvements

$63,078 awarded ($100,000 requested)


Gardiner Airport Runway

$50,000 awarded ($50,000 requested)


Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

AED for Gardiner Visitor Center

$0 awarded ($1,315 requested)

Gateway Hose Company has an AED that they can install and have also offered training


Additional Bear Cans/Art Wraps 

$18,189 awarded ($18,189 requested)


Gardiner Public Schools

New School Playground

$85,933 awarded ($85,933 requested)


Gardiner Hose Company

Structural Fire Engine

$170,000 awarded ($170,000 requested)


Improved Fire & Ambulance Operations

$81,500 ($81,500 requested)


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

Water Main Project

$124,757 awarded ($1,075,621 requested; schedule 1 of 5 approved)


Main Storage Tank

$304,711 awarded  ($304,711 requested)


Greater Gardiner Community Council

GCC Federal Grant Matching Funds

$100,000 awarded ($100,000 requested)


North Yellowstone Education Foundation

Grant Writer to Benefit Gardiner School

$15,000 awarded ($15,000 requested)


Connect! Grants Matching Funds

$10,000 awarded ($10,000 requested)
2021 rollovers

2020 Projects

Funds collected from the 2020 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Gateway Hose Company

Structural Fire Engine

$170,00 awarded ($170,000 requested)


North Yellowstone Education Foundation

Teacher Housing Initiative

$56,229 awarded ($80,000 requested)

Executive Director Salary

$24,000 awarded ($24,000 requested)


Park County Airport Board

Gardiner Airport Runway

$50,000 awarded ($50,000 requested)


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

Gardiner Water Main Replacement
$60,000 awarded ($306,432.05 requested)

2020 rollovers


Granite Street Water Line 

244,710.58 awarded ($244,710.58 requested)


Electric Peak Arts Council

Shakespeare in the Parks

$1,475 awarded ($1,475 requested)


Youth Initiative
$4,900 awarded ($4,900 requested)


Matching Funds
2,000 awarded ($2,000 requested)

Jail Masonry

$12,500 awarded ($12,500 requested)

2019 Projects

Funds collected from the 2019 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Bruin Booster Club

Updated sound system

$20,000 awarded ($40,000 requested)


Bear Creek Council

Bear resistant garbage cans

$2,290 awarded ($4,580 requested)


Electric Peak Arts Council

Shakespeare in Parks

$1,475 awarded ($1,475 requested)


Youth Initiative

$4,900 awarded ($4,900 requested)


Matching Funds

$3,501 awarded ($3,501 requested)


Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Rodeo Grounds Upgrades

$32,000 awarded ($32,000 requested)


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

Water Main Replacement

$301,015 awarded ($321,075 requested)


Gardiner Mammoth Youth Soccer

MYSA, keep participation fees low, scholarships, goals, software, tourneys

$1,495 awarded ($1,495 requested)


Gateway Hose Co.

Safety & Paging Improvements

$36,290 awarded ($36,290 requested)


Greater Gardiner Community Council

Community Center Partitions

$4,200 awarded ($4,200 requested)

Jail Masonry

$12,500 awarded ($12,500 requested)

Right of Way Fence, Sitework at Jail

$3,500 awarded ($3,500 requested)


North Yellowstone Education Foundation

Stategic Planning Consultant

$2,500 awarded ($2,500 requested)

2018 Projects

Funds collected from the 2018 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Bear Creek Council

Earth Day, Bear Aware Trash Bins

$2,942 awarded ($5,006 requested)


Entre Nous

Scout House Kitchen Appliances

$1,900 awarded ($1,900 requested)


Electric Peak Arts Council

Shakespeare in Parks

$1,350 awarded ($1,350 requested)


Youth Initiative

$2,300 awarded ($2,300 requested)


Donna Oblongata Show and Workshop

$2,391 awarded ($2,391 requested)


Future Farmers of America Alumni & Supporters

Gardiner Chapter Start-Up Costs

$3,760 awarded ($10,000 requested)


Gardiner Public Schools

Boilers - Phase One

$250,000 awarded ($250,000 requested)


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

Spring Box Improvements

$86,032 awarded ($86,032 requested)


Gateway Hose Co.

Ambulance Equipment

$66,930 awarded ($66,930 requested)


Building Expansion

$80,000 awarded ($80,000 requested)

2018 Rollover


North Yellowstone Education Foundation

Missoula Children’s Theater

$2,100 awarded ($2,100 requested)


Greater Gardiner Community Council

Jail Final Phase

$2,136 awarded ($4,141 requested)

Jail Masonry

$12,500 awarded ($12,500 requested)

Right of Way Fence, Sitework at Jail

$3,500 awarded ($3,500 requested)


Greater Gardiner Community Council

Historic Jail Roof & Fence

$10,500 awarded ($10,500 requested)

2018 Rollover


Grant Writer

$683 awarded ($683 requested)

2018 Rollover



Greater Gardiner Community Council

Successful Gardiner Community Planning ($30,000 requested)


Gardiner Rodeo Club

Rodeo Bathrooms ($25,000 requested)
Rodeo Start-Up Funds ($30,000 requested)
Rodeo Chute Signs ($4,200 requested)
Rodeo Picnic Structure ($10,000 requested)


Electric Peak Arts Council

Season Support ($3,000 requested)


Gardiner Water/Sewer District
Granite Street Water Line Replacement Study ($32,900 requested)







2017 Projects

Funds collected from the 2017 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Greater Gardiner Community Council

Community Center Fundraising Grant Writer

$12,083 awarded


Flooring Repairs related to Hazmat Abatement

$7,000 awarded

Gardiner Jail Stabilization

$16,599 awarded


Community Center Design Final Phase

$88,047 awarded


Gateway Hose Co.

Building Addition to House Emergency Vehicles

$80,000 awarded


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

Water Main Replacement

$80,000 awarded


Gardiner Snoopy Cooperative Preschool

Gardiner-Based Yellowstone Adventure Camp

$4,881 awarded


Gardiner Chamber of Commerce

Gardiner Visitor Center Carpet Replacement

$14,719 awarded


Bear-Proof Trash Can Wraps and Pick-Up and Park Street Can Addition

$3,718 awarded


Electrical Service at Arch Park Stage
$16,000 awarded


Electric Peak Arts Council

Youth Initiative

$2,300 awarded


Ukulele Initiative

$5,000 awarded


Shakespeare in Parks

$1,300 awarded

Touring Artist Opportunity Fund

$1,000 awarded


Bear Creek Council

School Projector Equipment

$2,730 awarded


Gardiner Public Schools

Roof Replacement

$200,000 awarded

2016 Projects

Funds collected from the 2016 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Gateway Hose Co.

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

$63,480 awarded


Greater Gardiner Community Council

Community Center Renovation Grant Writer

$12,083 awarded


Community Center Entry/Foyer Renovation Design
$33,276 awarded


Community Center Entry/Hazardous Material Abatement

$107,450 awarded

Electric Peak Arts Council

Youth Initiative

$1,950 awarded


Shakespeare in the Parks

$1,30 awarded


Stage curtains at the Gardiner School

$5,589 awarded

Touring Artist Opportunity Fund

$1,000 awarded


Bear Creek Council

Bear Aware Trash Bins
$12,514 awarded


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

Hydrant Replacement

$53,400 awarded


2015 Projects

Funds collected from the 2015 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Spay/Neuter Project of Park County

Spay and Neuter Efforts Inside the District

$1,000 awarded


Electric Peak Arts Council

Shakespeare in the Parks

$1,300 awarded


Strategic Planning

$1,500 awarded

Performing and Visual Arts

$2,750 awarded


Greater Gardiner Community Council

Gardiner Community Center Cultural Programs Support

$1,620 awarded


Continue Researching Affordable Housing Options
$7,500 awarded


Preliminary Architectural Report for a Water District and Sheriff’s Substation

$20,000 awarded


Structural Design and Construction Documents for the Gardiner Community Center rehabilitation

$32,066 awarded

Entre Nous Club

Maintenance on the Scout House

$3,204 awarded


Gardiner Community Library

To Provide Free Public Internet and Update Computers
$6,500 awarded


Gardiner Water/Sewer District

To Install US HWY 89 Calve and Replace Six Hydrants

$57,500 awarded


Gardiner Resort Area District
Local District Start-up Costs
$16,367 awarded


Gardiner Chamber of Commerce
To Construct 24-hour Public Bathrooms in Visitor’s Center

$80,000 awarded


2014 Projects

Funds collected from the 2014 summer season were awarded to the following projects:

Electric Peak Arts Council

Portable sound system

$3,100 awarded


Entre Nous Club

Maintenance on the Scout House

$4,143 awarded


Upper Yellowstone Roundup Association
Bleachers at the Rodeo Grounds

$3,500 awarded


Bucking Chutes at the Rodeo Grounds

$3,000 awarded


Greater Gardiner Community Council
Sidewalk Work on North Side of Town

$10,878 awarded


Structural Analysis and Preservation of the Community Center 

$20,000 awarded


Highway 89 South Pocket Park

$31,011 awarded


Gardiner Chamber of Commerce
Flagpoles and Lighting in Front of the Park Street Visitor’s Center
$16,777 awarded


Gardiner Water/Sewer District
Water and Sewer Improvements

$119,000 awarded

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